On Wednesday May 30th the Growing Chefs came to my classroom. First we do the garden talk of course! Next we were learning about vitamins. Carrots has vitamin A. Vitamin A helps your eyes see very good in the dark. The next vitamin is Vitamin B. Vitamin B helps you have strong muscles and even helps you have a very good memory. Third is vitamin C. Vitamin C helps you to stay healthy. The fourth one is Vitamin K. Vitamin K helps us grow tall. The very last one is sunflower seed. Sunflower seed gives you energy. B, C, K. Try to guess what are the vegetables are! When we finished the vitamin, my whole class ate lettuce, carrot, spinach, beets and sunflower seed. Some people liked it but some people didn't like it. I only liked it a little bit. My favourite vegetable was sunflower seed. When my class finished eating the vegetables some of my classmates brang some of the vegetables home to share it with their family. I never had a fun day like that before! |
Today we learned about vegetable vitamins. Carrots have vitamin-A. We made salad. I put in carrots and seed and spinach. I ate it. I don't like it because the purple vegetable tasted disgusting. I like growing chef in our classroom. |
Now... another clever tale of our growing chef's day...
"Today the grow..... wait.... you should know what their name is if you read our blog. And you probably read our blog so tell me... WHAT! You don't know! OK, fine. I'll tell you their name - it's GROWING CHEFS!!!! Now, where was I.... shhhhh! I'm thinking. I might be a little slow but still do not disturb me! Okay, thinking, thinking. GOT IT!! Today the G-R-O-W-I-N-G C-H-E-F-S, and in easier words, "Growing Chefs" came to our classroom. Today we did something veeeerrrrrryyyyy special. The first thing we did on this "special" growing chef day was learn about different kinds of vitamins. Did you know that plants have vitamins inside them? Well now you do! Shocked aren't you. How could plants possibly hold vitamins? THEY DON'T EVEN HAVE ANY HANDS!!! Now I'll tell you what all the vita-zzzzzzzzz, snore zzzzzzz snore. Is my story really that boring??! (Sigh) I knew having a pretend audience was a bad idea! Now I'm go - zzzzzz snore - CUT, CUT, CUT. I'm sorry video reporter. We have to cut because this guy keeps falling to sleep! Now - 3, 2, 1, let's turn on the video camera - BOO! Ow. Stop throwing tomatoes at me. Okay, I'll be a vitamin explainer instead of a comedian... YAY!! You're hurting my ears. Chill audience, chill! If you give me a chance to talk about gardening I would. That's better. All quiet except for the guy sleeping in the second row. Now, who's ready to talk about vitamins. WE ARE!!!! That's the spirit. What vitamin do you want to start with? Vitamin A! Good choice random person! Let's talk about vitamin A and no screaming. I'm getting a headache. Do you know what vitamin A helps you with? NOOOO! Shhhh! I don't want any more exclamation marks in this story! Wait, you're writing a ... Now, let's talk about vitamin A (I plug my ears because I don't want my pretend audience to yell "yeah" right in the middle of the story, but they didn't say anything. All I could hear was a cricket so I unplugged my hands from my ears). That's it! I'm closing the curtains. That's it, no more show for you audience. There, it's going to be a lot easier without an audience. Where was I? Oh yes, I'm about to tell you what vitamin A does... well I will tell you what all the vitamins do. Vitamin A is good for your eyes, vitamin B makes your memory better, vitamin C makes you healthy, Vitamin E gives you energy and vitamin F isn't next. Vitamin K is, and vitamin K makes you grow and that day wasn't over yet! We made special salad too. I will tell you the ingredients - 1 cup vegetable oil, 1/2 cup red wine vinegar, 1/4 cup liquid honey, 1tsp dijon mustard, 1/2 tsp salt, 1/4 tsp pepper and that's the salad's special dressing called "Honey vinagrette salad dressing and you don't need to know the salad because you can make any salad you want and put the dressing on it! Hope you enjoyed my story!"