Thursday, 2 February 2012
Rollo and Ruff and the little Bird
Today Ken from BLG came to our class to read to us. The book was called Rollo and Ruff. It was about a cat named Rollo. When he was sitting on his rug he saw little bits of his rug and his red ball. Then he called LFB to see what he has to say. If you want to know what LFB means, it means "little fluffy bird." We will tell you who chewed Rollo's rug. It was a rat. His name was Ruff. He was so hungry that he ate Rollo's rug and little red ball. The little rat did not want to sleep with his family so Rollo and the little bird built a new nest from Rollo's rug. Then the little rat had ... a home! Did you like the story, because we liked it?!