Wednesday 27 June 2012

Our last field trip AND last post of the Year

Yesterday our class went on our last field trip of the year.  It was an exciting day as we got to ride the AquaBus to Granville Island! 

here comes a boat

At the water park getting wet!

Just hanging around

running around and around

Me and my friends at granville island. I was having fun!
our classmates are  hugging  each other

Good-bye Grade Two!

Monday 25 June 2012

Some Reflections of Grade Two

This year was a special year.  What I like in grade two was writing and doing math.  The book that I really like was Flat Stanley .  My favourite field trip was VanDusen garden because we got to look at bugs with nets.  What I really like to do in grade two is to do art because you get to draw and look at stuff.  My two best friends are C.F and A.L. They are my friends because C.F. plays with me and A.L. brings me to the bathroom when I have to go or when I ask her she will say yes every time I ask her.  Who I  will miss in grade two is going to be Ms. Quon, Milarosa, C.H., A.L., C.F., M.D. and M.G.  My favourite thing to do is P.E in the morning because you can do a lot of outside thing like frisbees, jump ropes, run and you can get fresh air outside.  I am still on favourite things still - spelling and Growing chefs - because for spelling you can put it in your spelling homework book so you can do homework at home.  For Growing chefs because you can plant stuff and water it and eat it when it is ready to eat.  I am going to miss this classroom and all my friends.  By C.W.

My Year - by M.G.
This is my year in Grade 2.
I liked the newspapers because I liked the
hot chocolate. 
My favourite field trip was Grouse Mountain because we got to go to the top of the cabin and pretend to sleep.
My favourite things to do are P.E. because it is fun, math because it's problem solving, art because you're learning how to shape things, science because you're learning what happens in the world, and socials because you're learning new things.
But my favourite, favourite thing to do is reading.
Some of my special friends were:  C.H., K.M., A.C., M.D., and A.L.
What I will miss in grade 2 is...

I Will Miss Grade Two - by A.Y.
My favourite trip was Van Dusen.  I went to the maze and I have fun.  My favourite book is Let Me In.  My favourite story is "The Three Little Pigs".  My favourite thing to do is gym.  Why?  We need to run.  My favourite thing to do is Growing Chef.  Why?  We need to chop.  My special friend is R.R. because R. R. play with me.  I will miss Ms. Quon and Milarosa.  I feel sad.

More Reflections of our Year...

Remembering Grade - by M.C.

I'm here to write about a fantastic year.  Can you guess which Grade this is?  Well just in case you didn't know... it's Grade 2!  I liked Grade 2 because it was fun.  My favourite part was choosing and field trips.  the trips we went on were Science World, Van Dusen Gardens, Grouse Mountain, skating.  I liked all of them the same though.  The first field trip we went on was the one when we went to Grouse mountain.  We went on the gondola and saw bears (Grinder and Coola) there.  The second field trip was skating.  In skating I zoomed all over the place.  It was really fun.  My third field trip was science world.  In science world I played lots and learned science.  My fourth field trip was Van Dusen Gardens.  By the way, on June 21st, 2012 we had a potluck.  We  ate lots in the potluck.  The day after was June 22nd (today).  I can't tell you what happened on that day because that day's today!  I have one more thing to say "BYE - BYE" GRADE 2!

My Year - by C.H.

I am going to miss Grade 2.  What I liked the most about grade 2 was the classroom and the field trips.  The best I liked about the classroom because there are so many books to read that I love to read.  My favourite book in grade 2 was Itchy, Itchy, Chicken Pox.  My favourite field trip - I went with my class was going glow-in-the-dark-bowling at Grandview bowling lanes.  That was about my 25th time going bowling there.  I am going to miss all my special friends. They are : A.L., K.C., M.C.   I like K.C. and M.C. because basically every single day they come to the library with me to get my holds.  Another of my friends are A.L. because she takes me to the office when I am hurt. I wish I had everyone in my class right now to be in grade 3.

Memories- by M.D.

I just found out in grade 1 I could not read my writing.  There was no spaces and no periods (but only 1 time).  Ms.Quon has been teaching me for two years now and now I can do so much.  In grade 1 I could not read.  But now I can read.  In grade 1 I could not write.  But now I can.  If I could not write I would not be doing this right now.  And now I have  spaces and periods and capitals too. In grade 1 I only did 35 letters.  Now  in grade 2 I need 3 pages to write on.  But it is fun to write all the time.  And to read too.  It  was great being in grade 1 and 2.  I think I am going to be good in grade 3.

Our   Year  -  by   J.E.

I  am  going  to   miss  grade  two.  I   love  math.   I  learned  to  do  plus and subtract.  Plus   is   easy   for  me   now  and   subtract   was  hard  for  me  but  now  it  is  not.  My   favourite  field  trip   was  VanDusen  Gardens because   I like  the  maze.  When  I go   there  I can  find  my  way   through.  My   favourite  thing  to  do  is  reading,  art  and   playing.  I  like  reading   because  it   teaches  us  how  to do  writing  and  it  makes  you  think.  And  art  makes  you  imagine  things  like   dinosaurs  and  cavemen  and  bugs.  And  play  is  learning  to  share  things  like  books  because  if  you  have  too  many  books   to   play  with  you  can  give   them   away.  When   I  am   going  away  to   grade   three  I  am  going   to  miss   M. D.   who  is  one   of   my   best  friends  because   she  is   generous  to  me  and  dependable.  And best of all is she is kind.  M.G. is one of my friends because she is dependable and kind to me.  I will miss Ms. Quon and Milarosa and M.D. and M.G. and the field trips and choosing and jobs.

Our Year – by A.L. 

I am sad I am going to grade three.  My favourite thing to do is doing math because you will learn add and take away. My favourite trip was Van Dusen garden because there is a big maze and you will get lost.  I like was eating lunch because there are different food .  My special friends are C.F and C.W because they care about me and always play with me and when I get hurt they take me to the office.  The most I will miss is my teacher because Ms. Quon was my favourite teacher and she teaches me math , writing , spelling , reading, art, science, and social studies.  When I am in grade three I hope I remember all the thing I did in grade two.

By R.R.
I am in grade two and it was cool.  I am about to leave grade two.  I liked math.   I learned to do takeaways. They are easy now.   My favourite trip was Britannia.  I went skating.  I can skate backwards and forwards.  At school my favourite things to do are math and reading  and art.  I know how to read and paint.  My special friends were Anthony and Max and Joey.  I like them because they are my friends.  I will miss choosing a lot!!  

Wednesday 20 June 2012

The Maze

On June the 14th we went to Van Dusen Gardens.  First we took a picture with the class.  Then we went into this weird place and we had a snack there.  After that we were ready to head off to the maze.  When we got there Ms.Quon said "go into the maze".  We ran into the maze like crazy and pushed each other.  When we were in the maze we ran as fast as we could into different parts of the maze.  We got stuck again and again until we went to the exit.  Then we timed each other and raced each other. 

One kid ran through the maze in 49 seconds!  It was a fun     experience!  It was so fun, when Ms.Quon said'' time to go'' everybody said AWWWWWWW!  Then we went to pond peering at pond peering we had two groups.  In pond peering we laid our bellies on the mats and we started pond peering. Some people found dameselfly nymph, some blood worms and some elastic bands.  Boy, no day can get any better than this!  When we left we were really sad.  All we wanted to do was go back.  That was the best day of my life!

Friday 15 June 2012

Van Dusen Gardens

                                                   Yesterday, we went to Van Dusen Garden with our class.  We went to the maze first.  I had a hard time going into the maze at first. When we went in a couple of times we felt confortable with  it.  We timed each other with the adult's phones.  My friend  made it all around in 49 seconds but I made it 2 seconds later. Do you know what time it was?  One of our longest times was 4 minutes at first. Once I crashed into a bush when I  was not watching the dead end while I was running. (It hurted a lot and I think I got a sliver.)  I always called'' Dead End''!!!  Basically everywhere I went there was a dead end.

One of our other things we did  was Pond Peering.  We have two group leaders, they were Jacky and Susan.  First you had to fill your small container half way  full of water.  Then you had to dip your net that the leaders gave you and do a 8 in the water and then scoop the net back up. After you do that, you flip the net inside out and then shake it. When you are done, you look and find your bugs that you caught. We found: a boatman, a damselfly nymph, dragonfly nymph,  mosquito larva, and nematode.  Would you like to go to Van Dusen Garden?

Thursday 7 June 2012

Splat the cat

Today Cristine from B.L.G came to read to our class.  The book that she read to us was called "Splat the Cat". The perfect present for Mom and Dad.  The book is about Splat the cat and his sister and his brother made a present for Mom & Dad.  Splat made little fish and his sis made a flower with a pin on it and his brother made a castle.  Then they thought they could do better.  If you want to read the whole book you need to get the book.  

Wednesday 6 June 2012

The Growing chefs

Today the Growing Chefs came to our classroom. There was a new chef named Chef Wouter. He was very tall. Later on we made stirfry and soup. The ingredients that we need are mushrooms, broccoli, spinach, peas/pea shoots, beans, dill, peppers, oil, carrots, celery, onions, garlic and the most inportant one is LOVE. Some people liked it and some people don't like it that much. You should taste it. First we chop the vegetables up. But we had to make a tiger claw. So we don't cut our own fingers. When we finish chopping the vegetables we get to put the vegetables in the pan and it smells very Good! After that we get to eat it with the whole class and it was very  very very very very tasty! It was exciting and surprising day.  We hope you enjoy it and  if u make it you might enjoy it!