Friday 10 February 2012

Peter and the wolf

Once there was a boy named  Peter.   Peter went to hunt the wolf.   The duck wanted to swim and the wolf ate the duck and  Peter's dad took Peter home.  And Peter got the wolf.  And the hunter shoot everywhere!  Peter said stop!  Peter said I got the wolf.

The Symphony

Today my class went to the Symphony.  There was a lot of people.  My teacher told us to sit in the front.  Later she told us to sit the back.  The people on the stage were practicing to get ready for us.  Soon the lights all turned off and then the conductor said his name.  He said that he will play a song for us.  Then the people on the stage played a song.  Next he said that the people on the stage will play Peter and the Wolf for us.  The characters were: Grandpa, Peter, Bird, Duck, Hunters, and the wolf.  They played so good.  If you went to the Symphony would you like it?  I know I did.  I wish we could go again!


Today   my  class  went  to  the symphony.  When  I  got  in  to  the  symphony  they  were  practising.  Then it was time to see Peter and the Wolf.  The music with like harmony.  Peter played the strings.  And the bird played the flute but the cat was the clarinet.         

The symphony

Today our class went to the symphony to see Peter and the wolf with music.  When I got in the symphony it was lovely because the walls are gold coloured.  After I saw the lovely walls,  me and my class went to find seats.  When I sat down all of the people who was going to play in the symphony was playing.  This is what the people was playing for: Peter was the strings, the wolf was the french horn, the grandpa was the bassoon, the duck was the oboe, the bird was the flute, the cat was by the clairnet and the hunters were by the kettle drums and the bass drums.  When they played it sounded great!  When I am grown up I would like to play in the symphony. 

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